The Upward Spiral

posted in: The Upward Spiral | 6

The “Upward Spiral” refers to all of the work, all of the dances that life does with its environment, that slow the flow towards entropy. As that flow slows down, it backs up and new possibilities rise. The main work of this blog is to celebrate this work and its possibilities so that we, too, learn to create Upward Spirals and thereby steer our civilization onto an upwards direction.

This is my first blog. I hope to stay focused on limiting my entries to the work and not get pulled off in the pursuit of “likes.” Hopefully you will find this blog conducive to mindfulness. Comments are encouraged but reviewed before posting to maintain that mindfulness. If this blog uplifts you, freshens your eyes, please let others know. I intend to never ask readers for money, allow advertisers, or give/sell my list to others. Subscribe below to be notified of new postings.

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6 Responses

  1. John Anderson

    I have enjoyed all of your writings, Paul, and relished each issue of Cairns. I look forward to following all new developments! THANK YOU for your teaching, both students and us online (and ‘in-print’) readers!

  2. Philip Stewart

    We certainly need that spiral; so difficult to change human habits of mind!

  3. Rory Turner

    I have been deeply moved and inspired by your work for years, and I am glad to be able to continue learning from and with you.

  4. Grreg Smith

    Hi Paul,

    Always good to hear from you. Glad that this can continue via your blog and messages about entries. Hope the next months are fire-free and that you have a rainy winter. Becky and I are doing well. Had a wonderful paddle on the Willamette this morning up to Little and Big Rock Islands then back. A dozen turkey vultures flew over me as I went through the narrow passage between the channel on Little Rock Island the the main stem of the river. Exciting. If we end up driving south to see our SOCAL sons in November, I’ll let you know. Maybe we could stop for a quick chat.

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