An Ally Emerges

posted in: The Upward Spiral, Uncategorized | 2

I’ve written “Begin the work even though you cannot see the path by which this work can lead to your goal. Do not block your power with your current understanding. Evolution is the process by which the impossible becomes possible through small, accumulating changes. Concentrate on the direction, not the size of the change. Begin the work with actions that seem tinier than necessary but that are small enough to maintain. The rate of change is slow at first, but do not prematurely judge your efforts. Change happens through spirals; the work grows upon itself. As little changes accumulate, they will reinforce one another and make larger changes possible. Gradually, balances will shift. Allies will emerge. Where and how this happens cannot be predicted. You do not work alone. Billions of other living things are doing the work. You are part of an invisible power. As it grows, the erosive power will fade. Begin the work.”

Here is an amazing story of an ally emerging. In early August, I received an email from France from Yannick, a man I don’t know. Here it is in part:

Hi Mr Krafel,

I hope this email finds you well.

First of all, thanks a lot for taking the time to share freely all your insights. They give very valuable keys to figure out who we need to become in those times of uncertainty to have a positive (or less of a negative 🙂 ) impact on the world.

As you suggest at the end of the book, I’ve found a first action to take on : translating it to french.

My first question is : Are you ok with this ? As I am not a professional translator, it might take a little bit of time.… My intention is to make it available to french speaking people, but I understand if you’d rather wait for a more professional approach ?

Again, thanks a lot for sharing all your experience !

Have a nice day !

I was so amazed by his offering, so in awe of his spirit, so blown out of my sense of what is possible. Of course I said “yes” and “Thank you” and “How can I help you do this. “
And now, in early October, here is a French translation of Roaming Upward.

What is possible? I live within a vast mystery. Thank you, Yannick.

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2 Responses

  1. David Seamon

    Wonderful that this fellow is doing the translation. Perhaps he might translate SHIFTING too? No harm in mentioning it to him.


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