Joseph Campbell viewed hero myths as our species’ collective wisdom of how life should be lived. The tales begin with youths, going about their regular business, coming upon something unanticipated that sets them off on a journey. They encounter obstacles and dangers but also unexpected allies that guide and help them overcome those obstacles. Eventually, they accomplish a quest. But their quest is not really complete until they return to their village, bringing back a song or some other thing of value that can somehow strengthen the village. Though the hero myths dwell on all the exciting adventures that happen along the outward quest and very little is said about the return, the return to the village and sharing the song is essential. For Campbell, it’s what brings the quest to true completion.

In Denali, I took Campbell at his word and set out on a quest to find a way to spiritually fit my life into the reality of the Second Law. Now in my late sixties, I feel the oncoming weakening of my mortal body and feel an urgency to complete my quest, to return to my village and share the song that my roaming has given me.

“How do we live within a world that must run down? By backing things up. Upward is Possible. We can trust this world to guide each of us upon our own unique upward path. Go high into the drainage. Up there you will find a place where you have the power to shift a relative balance and start an Upward Spiral. Allies will emerge. The work will grow on itself.”

There. I have sung my song.  My quest is complete.

So what do I do now, the next morning?

Now I do the work. My quest was to find my purpose. I found my purpose in exerting my life force Towards Upward, thereby nourishing Upward Spirals that can help lift the world Upward into more Possibilities. That is my work.

Part of that work has been Chrysalis. But Alysia has retired and I am gradually retiring from Chrysalis. We have embraced the importance of letting go, allowing the next generation the freedom to have the fun of shaping the school with their visions. We had our time.

Another major part of my work has been writing this book and making it freely accessible online. That, too, has now been accomplished.

So Alysia and I are crossing two major divides and entering into an unknown drainage with unknown possibilities. I’ll continue my rain walks. I’m hoping this book will create opportunities to work with allies we have not yet met. Perhaps we’ll sing around other campfires. Who knows what lies ahead? Perhaps you and I will somehow meet in a new work.

And you, reading this right now for the first time, what will you do? You’ve read this far so there must have been a few times when my writing changed your trajectory. Do you notice Gaia dams now? Can you see the Fifth Dimension in the world around you? Have you made little plays to shift a relative balance? If an upward spiral has begun, what will grow from it within your life?

Joseph Campbell wrote:

A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation:

“As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm.


It is not as wide as you think.”

About this Book . . . . Table of Contents

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