The energy of spirited teaching spills into my administrative work. Virginia, my administrative partner, and I share a deep commitment to Chrysalis because of the difference we see it making in people’s lives. Together, over the year, we have grown more articulate in the spiritual foundation of Chrysalis. Virginia, on her own, was moved to create a banner that she hung over her desk. “Chrysalis – a community of kindness, respect and love of learning that makes the light within each student shine brighter.”
I love that banner. It captures the essence that has been so hard for me to describe about Chrysalis. I can get lost in lists of its wonderful characteristics: Nature education. Intentionally small school. Kids being kind to one another. Teaching for understanding rather than covering content. Systems thinking. Mathematics taught extensively with manipulatives. Small classes. Strong emphasis on hands-on investigative science. Welcoming of parents within the school. Community service. Museum school. Kids being with teachers for many years. These characteristics are so abundant that they tend to blur one’s focus. Or worse, they jockey for the position of defining Chrysalis. But “making the light within each student shine brighter” expresses the deep intent that gives rise to every one of those characteristics. That intent is why Chrysalis is the way it is.
And the light within each student– you can feel it. You can feel it growing from a flicker to a flame in some kids. You feel radiant excitement from the kids when your teaching grows strong. You can also feel when the light dims, when it is afraid to shine. The light is palpable, especially if you structure your school to be responsive to it.
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