Some Politics
I tend to blog about patterns in nature and the wisdom of working with them. I tend to avoid politics in my blog. But Trump’s presidency comes from such a different set of patterns that I feel a responsibility to … Continued
I tend to blog about patterns in nature and the wisdom of working with them. I tend to avoid politics in my blog. But Trump’s presidency comes from such a different set of patterns that I feel a responsibility to … Continued
Dad’s Walnut TreeIn the early 1970’s, The Wall Street Journal reported on a machine developed in Japan that peeled sheets of veneer so thin that a good walnut tree trunk was worth $10,000 in early 1970’ dollars. Dad read that … Continued
Our winter evening sky is rich with planets doing interesting things. I wrote up a summary for our Chrysalis families. Then I thought you might also be interested. So here is the same slightly-revised article for you..Venus, the third brightest … Continued
After-thought on Toward a Commons culture Our rainy season’s first atmospheric river dropped 7” of fresh water in about three days, according to our garden’s rain gauge. It never poured really hard but it was sustained, often accompanied by strong … Continued
After finally getting Toward a Commons culture online, I celebrated by going out to Ahjumawi for three days of kayak camping. On the second day, coming back from a long, before-sunrise to midday drift through the marsh, I lay down … Continued
Table of Contents for the longest ever posting to my blog Toward a Commons culture An Anthem for the Commons Announcing the Third Edition of Shifting/Seeing Nature Snippets: Andromeda Galaxy unit The Techno-Optimist Manifesto Toward a Commons culture Offering A … Continued
I attended this year’s DWeb Camp (“Discovering Flows” was this year’s theme so I really had to go.) There were scores of presentations on decentralizing technology (which my “go high in the drainage” sort of fits into) but lots … Continued
I’ve read articles reporting on the declining birth rates in many countries. Most of the articles report this as a problem which puzzles me because, from the perspective of climate change, reducing our population is one of the most important … Continued
RainfallThe average annual rainfall for our area is about 17” per year. I have a rain gauge in our garden I use to record daily rainfall. A week ago, we surpassed 42”. Playing in this abundance of rain nourished most … Continued
Balancing Poles Every year on the first day of school, I had my eighth-grade class balance poles because it provides a strong kinesthetic experience with feedback, one of the major themes of my eighth-grade class. Some kids could balance; some … Continued